FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate

7 years ago

FROSTBITE Deadly Climate - v1.6 - Now Available

As massive as Version 1.5 was, there where of course a few small bugs that slipped through the cracks and some that I couldn’t find a fix at the time. Luckily I have found a fix to a couple of the bugs in the game and I’m happy to present these fixes through Version 1.6.

  • Improve the How To Play page so all the info is on one screen.

  • The odd collision issue with the melee attack causing the enemies to shoot upwards has been fixed.

  • Some fixes done when players go from Game -to- Main Menu -to- Game again.

  • Fixed a possible stuck issue when climbing one of the ladders in a pacific way.

  • Improved the Ragdoll on an enemy (though there still might have some issues.)



Next up

Version 1.9 of FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate is now available.

FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate version 1.5 is finally available!!

My new game The Possession Experiment is here!!

FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate | Version 2.0

Like Silent Hill and Resident Evil, v1.5 of FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate will have a Game Result screen.

FROSTBITE Deadly Climate - v1.7 - Now Available

Just fix/edited the Credits and ditch the Splash Screen

On 11/19/17 I released my game FROSTBITE: Deadly Climate to websites like GameJolt and Now it has been a full year sense it's release and I must say that there has been an interesting, but very stressful experience.

Available Now on STEAM

Coming soon to Steam.