So my efforts to get all my minigame assets drawn on Sunday went extremely well. I’ve now even programmed both both Minigame 1 and 2. Which gives me great relief. I haven’t done much programming other then the basics sort of point and click exploration (and sometimes I fail to do that) so I’m extremely proud of myself that not only did I manage to program a beatable scenario, but also an AI who can get aggressive.

I’ve got to fix up some little things like where some incidental messages during the minigames are falling as they’re either going off screen or in a seemingly wrong place but they’re easy to fix - just a little fiddly.

Tomorrow I hopefully will have no issue and program the last of the minigames. A thrilling Pot cleaning scenario. The screenshot doesn’t look too thrilling but I’m hoping it’ll look much better in person so I’m planning to put up a little video of it once it all goes to plan.
After that it’s some some Cutscenes and a small playable section. Mind you, I’ve still got quite a bit of art to do for said cutscenes so I don’t consider myself clean of all the difficult work. But I’m feeling very satisfied with how far we’ve come in just… 5ish days.
From what I’ve seen of the other teams that have linked their games on the GameJolt site, they all look amazing! And I can’t wait to play them all! Er.. Huzzah or something of the ilk! (I’m tired. ;p)