Hello, players!
The development of the "Gameplay" stage is almost complete, which means that the game is moving to the next stage of development, which is referred to as "Social". This stage includes everything that does not belong to the "Gameplay" stage, for example: the tem shop, the tem boxes, the profile system and much more.
Added a new "Team Collect Umbrella" mode, and with it:
Added the ability to collect umbrellas. When several people select the same umbrella, the collection speed increases.
The players of the team that took the umbrella become Mad.
If a Mad catches you, you're automatically sent to the spawn point.
New notifications have been added.
Added an effect for starting the game.
Added a new "Team Bomb" mode, and with it:
Added 4 maps from the original game.
A new "bomb" skill, after the explosion of which spears appear, destroying boxes.
Added an effect for destroying boxes.
Added buffs that can fall out of the boxes randomly and effects of collecting buffs.