I would like to apologize in advance for such a long absence. Since the school year has begun, there is not much time left for the game. This update is not that GLOBAL, but we tried anyway. I also wanted to mention that most likely the next updates will be global (they will be released once a month). The new update has fixed bugs such as:
1.Bug with a command for sans.
2.Bug with a name change (when you could not get your nickname back when you changed your nickname again).
3.Fixed a timer in the escape when it could withdraw (3: 010) In addition to fixes, several interesting innovations have been added, such as:
1. Rainbow nicknames (their cost is only 5 souls).
2. Changing the chat town to the autumn theme.
3. Each 30 levels have been made a little easier.
4. Added a bar to the chat town (you can go into it).
5.After creating a room, the name of the room is saved.
Anyone who wants to help: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/DevSt Or card number: 5469540016248609