What’s up guys, superboi here!
(Okay you don’t know who i am lmao I should introduce myself)
I’m the co-owner! I work behind the scenes doing the writing for the story and part of the music, while also making multiple decisions that help solidify the progress that we’re making! Without further to do, onto the thing!
Even more Reboot Content?????
Newi here for this part, I feel like we’ve been sorta closed off on development since the reboot happened, so I wanted to at least give people an idea of what's to come, with that being said, here’s the general release schedule we hope to get through!
(keep in mind this may not be the exact releases)
DEMO - Beginning to Castle Town - 2024
CH1 {FULL RELEASE} - Beginning till end - 2025-2026
CH2 {FULL RELEASE} - Beginning till end - ???
If I'm being honest, development has been somewhat slow recently due to a lot of us dealing with real world stuff, but once the demo comes out, development will speed up quite a bit since we have something to work with rather than building the story and characters from the ground up like we are right now.
P.S. the next dev video is still being made, don't worry :)
As you may have noticed, we have a new icon and banner! Since I hadn’t fully already, I figured I'd share the banner in its original quality here!

- Newi
Any good story must tackle a few themes and until now, Deltafell has been kind of aimless without it. It just felt like an “edgy” version of Deltarune, which is not what we’re going for.
Good news, we’ve decided on some core themes that the story will explore and develop on! I’m not going to spoil it for you cause that would be lame and is basically just giving the plot away, so you’ll have to wait for the demo to be out.
- Superboi
(P.S the old story is still being used, its just been updated a lot in this case to be more fleshed out :D)
More good news, most of Kris’s battle sprites (for the demo at least) are officially done!

Ralsei has been started as well for his sprites, so hopefully we’ll have an update for that soon!
What? You want more? Hmm…
I suppose there is one more thing I could share…

I hope this is enough to satisfy you!
- Newi
Exagonz has been steadily working on the remakes of old tracks to incorporate that classy Deltarune feel into the game. Progress has been slow but steady, so stay tuned for more cool stuff coming from this side of the project. Here is one of the tracks Exagonz has produced for the project:
- Superboi
(Newi sneaking in here to say, there’s also another track being worked on by one of our team members, while I won’t leak it here since it's not done yet, I have a feeling you all will enjoy it once it's done and ready to be shown off.)
Coding is still going steady, a bit of work has been finished on the swamp, which can be seen in this image here! (DISCLAIMER: team DF! is not responsible for any goofy sickness you may get from swimming in toxic swamp water.)

- Newi
Newi here again, as part of this new devlog, we’re now going to incorporate a new section, a team interview! Every so often for devlog’s we’ll interview someone on the team to give you a better idea of how developments are going!
This devlog, we’re interviewing Terra/@TerraSaviorX !!

Newi: so, who are you/ what's your role on the team?
Terra: I’m Terra, and I work on Deltafell: Fallen Legend as a writer. I tend to gravitate towards world building rather than script writing. I haven’t done all that much yet, but I’m pretty happy with my contributions so far. I strive to achieve a lot in any team I join.
Newi: What stuff have you been working on lately?
Terra: As of now, I’ve only done one assignment, although it still has pending edits I’ve been waiting on. The assignment in question is the layout for The Swamp, (the field replacement) with all the items and room shapes, as well as many various other things aside from NPCs and dialogue. I made a massive slideshow to contain all the information and I was able to complete it in an extremely quick pace, which surprised me as it was my first time doing that kind of assignment.
Newi: Finally, what do you like about deltafell/ is there anything you would change?
Terra: I like the designs and originality present in terms of the story/plot. It sets this project apart from other UF/DF takes, which is nice. I haven’t been exposed to too much content, so I wouldn’t find it fair to really say I’d want to change anything. To put it simply, I’d like to change anything that gives off a stereotypical underfell vibe (edgy instruments and leitmotif modifications, things with lots of red, etc.).
- Newi
Welp, sorry for the less “visual” assets shown off in this devlog, hopefully there will be more to show in the future! Either way, see ya in the next one!
- Team Fallen Legend