Woah no way, JJDude back on a devlog? Merry late Christmas, hopefully you got a bunch of presents! To go with them here’s some deltafell content to hopefully hold you all over.
General Updates
A big change we made recently was switching discord servers! You may not have been aware if you weren’t super active in the server or if you don’t use discord. We felt that the change was necessary just to weed out any confusion between preboot and reboot. Plus, it allowed us to reformat the server without having to archive everything. Here’s the invite link if you’d like to join. https://discord.gg/zpvUZQxk8j
Spriting has stayed at a moderate pace, and we’ve started finishing up what battle sprites we have left! Here’s a draft of the new susie battle sprites we’re making!
(Sprites by Pancakez)
Over on the art side of things, we’ve started on an aspect only the switch uses in the original game. Borders! We’re making multiple borders to use for different areas. Here’s one of the ones we’ve made and so far for the light world.
(Art by Daymations)
The writing department has been very active as of lately. We’ve decided to remaster/overhaul a lot of concepts from deltarune and add our own little creative flair. A big aspect has been giving the party new spells! I can’t go too deep into detail about what we’re doing exactly, but maybe we’ve hinted at one of them recently???
Nothing huge to show off for coding sadly… but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been hard at work! Our 3 coders, Pancakez, Zem and Newi have been working hard on adjusting to this new engine and catching us up to where we were on our old engine. If you really want something, then here’s this:
(this is a joke please don’t kill me)
We’ve been a bit less focused on music as of recent, and we’ve been spending more time on other departments. Sadly that means no new upload for today. Although we did recently put out our new battle theme Blazing Star! You should totally check that out if you haven’t already.
Well, I suppose that means the end already. Hopefully this little showcase of content is enough to hold you guys over until January. If you’d like more updates on deltafell, or just want to be more active in the community, I highly suggest joining the discord! The people in the server are very friendly and welcoming and we’d love to have more people! As always thanks for the support, and I hope to see you all in the next devlog!