I’m proud to announced the latest version for the demo has been released!
I am very sorry this update didn’t add as much as promised, I expected to be able to work on this for the whole entire day but I only had an hour or so. I still added a ton of content compared to what was previously available. I was gonna add a new room or two, maybe even PLOT CONTINUATION, but alas, I had not enough time to do that. The next version, V.04, will be the bigger expansion update that will be expected to release in a week or two. Thanks for all your guy’s support! I will also be working on the developer website!
EDIT: I just realized that the soundtrack is a bigger filesize than the game. This is because GameJolt makes me upload the “.MP3” version but in the game files I have converted the songs to “.ogg” which makes file sizes smaller, making the game size smaller. 7MB is still a lot compared to the 1.5MB of the other demos!
This update adds:
- Fixed screens where text didn’t fit
- Fixed MLG Bill Gate’s tiny, tiny face
- Added MLG Steve Jobs
- Added new shop
- Added OP Weapons to purchase
- Changed book text
- The lonely bed
- New title screen (just a placeholder)
- Main Menu Music
- Game Over Music
- Finally character has a name
- Added leveling system, new moves can be unlocked
- Options on title screen look fancier
- Black on menus
- Changed book
- Fixed random encounters, they happen less often
- Changed multiple sound effects
- Saves are now usable
- Fixed fullscreen bug, you can FINALLY hold Alt+Enter to enter fullscreen.
- Achievements might come soon (but that isn’t an addition)
- Fixed game breaking bug
- Fixed issue where Steve was playing unfair
- Player given more health due to Steve being a douche