
3 years ago

Dev Diary #69: Giving and Receiving

Hello, dear reader! It’s finally here. 

People come to game development from every imaginable direction, and with all kinds of genres, platforms, and stories as their vision. But what unites us all is the dream that one day, we’ll be able to publish a silly blog based on a 69 joke. After all these years, after a facelift for our protagonist, after changes to the dialogue system and several in-person events, the special day has come for us too!


It's a special occasion! Mark has even swapped out his trademark Protagonist jacket for a more appropriate tux!

What we’ve been up to.

For the most part, we’ve been working to welcome others onboard the Freeborn train. You may have noticed our Twitter being more active in the last couple months than it has been for a while. I know it’s been a big focus on my side.


What’s going on behind the scenes is Jesse delivering a purpose-built demo version that allows me to toggle the UI on and off, and my dedicating time to recording gameplay, and clipping things out for sharing on social media. 

Between the technical details and delegating roles within the team, we’ve gotten pretty efficient recently. We can now bang out clips of dialogue, Ekosi, and Arithian exploration easily. Which is freeing up time for us to be more social, and active. It will also allow us to move into more advanced content creation, showing off the world we – and hopefully you – have come to love.

If you don’t believe us, have a look at this handsome GIF!


What’s next? UI and Next Fest Demo soon.

We talked in a previous post about a pending UI update. We’ve been a bit bottlenecked with some of the marketing/content engine work. But the UI overhaul IS coming. And to prove it, we’ve constructed the numeral of 69 by cobbling together some work-in-progress UI elements. 

Can you guess which UI system is first?


We’re excited to share more of the UI progress as it comes. And we’re hoping to push out some of those changes ahead of Steam’s “Next Fest,” coming in October. We’re excited about the opportunity to put Freeborn in front of more players, and let them dive into the Mind Lounge, and Patrida, and Neropolis. 

And we want your help in growing the Freeborn following!


Giving and receiving.

We want to celebrate the spirit of 69 with you. 

We want to deliver you daily views of the game in progress, interaction with the team, and even just a friendly place to say howdy! So, whether you’ve been with us for a while or we’re new friends:

It’s all of us together, us against the algorithm, with tons to gain (“I was into Freeborn before it was cool”) and everything to lose.Give us some love, and we'll give you some back!


Thanks, and see you at the 169th devlog! 😉





Next up

Dev Diary #73: Maximum Razzle and Dazzle

Dev Diary #67: Springing Ahead

Dev Diary #71: Huge Engine Update, Ohayocon and Beyond

Dev Diary #74: Love is in the Air Tonight

Here's another screenshot of the giant coastal city the player will be traveling through in Luckless Seven. The city showcases a mix of very clean man-made environments mixing with water, either from the ocean or through artificial lakes and canals.

Dev Diary #64: Clear Skies Ahead

Welcome to another hot update for all things Luckless Seven.

Dev Diary #66: Luckless Seven is now Freeborn

Dev Diary #63: Warming Up

The Deckpoint team is here again with a hot new update as we leave the cold behind us.

Dev Diary #68: Level Design Done, UI Refresh In Progress

Dev Diary #63: Warming Up

The Deckpoint team is here again with a hot new update as we leave the cold behind us.