Short update for you guys!
Ok, the planned update gets a tiny bit delayed(seriously, just a tiny)
wait... it WILL BE WORTH IT!
I just managed to FINALLY after all these years, to get my computer, unity and maya to work together with rigs!
I got more finalized NPC models almost ready to go, with animations!
and by putting off the custom character scene while fixing it up , i can now add female models as well.
The game will be populated finally and not seem so "dead".
This is HUGE progress as any of you would know that have followed us for a long time.
We couldn't have been happier!
I have a bigger "new years" post already written, but i am going to hold it off just a few days more, i really hope this is ok with everyone. I know, another delay, but this one will be worth it!
Ok, small hints of what to come, will that calm you a bit? :)
1. The first job will be available as default(for now)
- Reworked and totally redesigned (recreation) of the office job that featured in Survive at Home.
3. Improved functionality(general improvements to the codes)
4. Lag fixes!
5. Timeline scene added in the "New Game sequence"
6. The next update will be available on GameJolt only.
- Temporary mini launcher instead of the regular(Expired - long story, explanation comes soon)
+ + +
Below you will find some images of our current development scene(The office). Hope you like :)

I really hope you like this as much as we do, again sorry for all the delays and basically no updates for a long time, we are back on track people!