So, back in December, the Atrium Level got corrupted, and this caused a pretty major burn out for me, After weeks of work, it was just...gone.
When that happened, i took a bit of a break from working on the game, and resumed work on my Paid game.
Eventually, i wanted to work on Aftermath again, but i just didn't want to work on the Atrium again, which was the biggest map, and one of the last environments i needed for the Demo.
So..i started work on what's now known as ACT 1: VANNY, Using most of the Assets, and Some maps from 'Act 2'
Act 1 was only meant to be a 5 minute 'experience' but i was having fun making it, so i just kept adding lol
I didn't expect the amount of attention Act 1 would get, Or how rough the launch would've been.
I've learned a lot about game development since Act 1, and i finally went back to work on Act 2. In the photos above, you can see the Old atrium, vs the New version.
I'm pretty happy with how V2 turned out, Video on it out later today, or tomorrow!