Hi, Everyone! This devlog is gonna be a little different because it's less about showing my progress and more about a problem that I THINK I solved, and a possible update to the demo.
For the problem that I mentioned, do you all remember that Fast Travel rocket that I'm making it? I'm removing it. Why? Well, I think I managed to make it portable. That's right. I'm bringing back the Fast Travel Button but it's gonna be called something else. As for us FNAF fans know, FNAF: Security Breach revealed a special key item called the Faz-Watch. I'm thinking about putting that in the game and having it handle the fast traveling. Keep in mind that this item will only let you fast travel to areas in Fazbearica. Here's a screenshot showing the Faz-Watch button. I even updated the font to make it more faithful to the 8-bit version of FNAF World!
Speaking of Fazbearica, time to talk about that special update. I'm thinking about making a big update for the demo where you can now go through the entirety of Fazbearica. However, I'm limiting your access to the Pilgrim Progress Level so that you can focus on beating the first world. Don't worry. It's possible that I might put some secrets in the game for you to find.
Of course, this is still in development. I'm also trying to rebalance the stats for the enemies and the FNAF characters. I've been experimenting to see if I can try to not make it like FNAFB.
Thanks for reading my devlog and I'll update you all when something happens!
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