Undertale Green
8 years ago

Development Update - July 2017

Hey, guys! I’m back to another Development Update!

1. The New Decision

I made a decision about how this game will be released.
I will be releasing this game in chapters (yes, I saw this idea in another Undertale fangame devlog, but I’ve only really considered it after my friend sugested it to me).
This is a much faster way to get the game to you, so you don’t have to wait more than 2 years to play the entire game.
Each chapter will contain one area, so Chapter 1 will be the Old Mines, and Chapter 2 will be the Dark Forest.
Now you will only need to wait a few months for Chapter 2!

2. The Pacifist/Genocide Problem

There is obviously a big flaw in this new idea.
If you finish a Pacifist Run in Chapter 3, for example, would you have do play the entire game from the beginning if you wanted to play a Genocide Run? And would you have to play everything again if you wanted to play Pacifist in Chapter 4?
The answer here is no.
I have a solution for this issue.
At the main menu, you will have a Chapter Selection and also a Run Selection.
Here, you can choose the chapter you want to play. You can also choose if you want to play Pacifist for that chapter, or if you want Genocide.
Of course you will have to beat Pacifist from the previous chapter, before unlocking it on the next one, and the same aplies to Genocide.

3. Making Progress

I’ve made progress in this month, and the Pacifist Run for Chapter 2 is almost 1/4 complete.
The Dark Forest developing is going a lot faster, because I already have the hardest coding done, from the previous chapter.
Chapter 2 will be coming a lot faster for you :P

4. A New Song

A new song was added to the soundtrack!
It’s a song for a new character, and it’s called “Friendly Scary” (made by RayMaiky)
It’s in the game page, so you can go there right now and check it ou!

That was the July Development Update, guys, I’ll see you next month! xD



Next up

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