Hello there!
So by now, the game is in version,
Which has finally gotten the animals to work almost decently. Also, food exists now.
With the addition of food, I’ve worked on cooking in a campfire.
It’s simple, really.
When you’re close enough to a campfire, a icon resembling a campfire appears on your hotbar.
Clicking it opens up a cooking menu.
When empty, it shows you nothing, however,
when you have food in your inventory and you choose to cook it,
you’ve given the option to do so.
While working on more items to cook it with,
you’ll be soon featured with berries, to add to your meat.
Cooked meat restores more health and hunger then raw.
Cooking it with berries gives you back a little bit of stamina(might be later changed to thurst, as stamina is not really in use yet).