If you’ve read our little game blurb, or even just made a passing glance at our screen shots, you’re already aware that Tropia is a NES inspired JRPG. We wanted to go a little deeper into what that entails.
What TO Expect
The Characters
Tropia features four characters that will join your party relatively early on in your journey.
Each character has in battle and out of battle skills unique to them.

Your wizard deals heavy damage and reveals mystic portals.

Your Paladin is your tank. He defends, he counters, he has hp regen, he does it all. He’s also ridiculously good looking and when you talk to people with him they tend to open up and even give you things.

The Brawler is your damage dealer. He roams the world shirtless, busting skulls and pushing aside large objects that would otherwise impede your path.

Your Ranger heals, steals, and dishes out status effects. He is also an excellent lock pick and will get you into some great places (as well as out of a few not so great ones)
The World
The world of Tropia is what it’s all about.

There’s lots to explore, both as part of the main story and outside of it. You’ll come across towns, dungeons, hidden islands, magical forests, and more. We’ll get into the plot a little later, but it’s a fairly open quest. You’re tasked with collecting some things and you can go out and do that in whatever order you want.

True to RPG style, you’ll get a vehicle to help you out in your explorations, and the abilities of your characters will also help you out in opening up new places.
What NOT To Expect
While we feel we’ve created a pretty fun little homage to NES RPGs of yore, there are a few things you should know.
The Plot
Tropia is a story light, exploration heavy rpg. The story is that an evil demon has captured a princess and the king has tasked you with collecting five elemental keys to open the temple where that demon resides.
If you’re rolling your eyes, bare with us. It’s actually pretty fun. We’ve added a few twists along the way to spice things up, but Tropia isn’t about the plot, it’s about the adventure.
This may be good or bad news, we felt it was good. The game isn’t about grinding. While you are always welcome to grind away, the game can definitely be beaten with little to no grinding and you won’t get as much of a stat increase from grinding baddies as you will from finding fancy loot. This plays into our original goal of making a fun little world to explore.

Game Time
We don’t want anyone to get any false impressions about how much content is in the game. We estimate the game to take around 5 hours. This might be a little less if you rush it and a bit more if you spend the time exploring everything. We’ve set the price to reflect that ($1.00 for 5 hours of good old fashioned fun?! Can’t beat that).