Comments (38)
Looks cool, I might buy it! :)
Pretty good game. Notice the sell and bought it! Btw that solider at the start irritated me as he judged someone by their appearance.
I loved the game's battle system is the music and also his art
You know that old game on the NES called Dragon Warrior? if you don't , look it up, but this game looks exactly like it.
This looks really interesting and I would probably buy it, but I have some issues with the demo. First of all, I can not start the demo via game jolt client but have to download it via the website and then install it. I guess it is because Windows does not recognize the publisher of the exe-file. When I download it via web I can tell Windows to execute the file anyhow. This is a bit annoying but not a game breaking problem for me. But when I start the demo, right at the beginning the guard tells me to switch to the other party member by pressing the switch key. Switch is X for me, but when I press it, nothing happens. The menu button (Y for me) works, but when I try to make the game fullscreen which is the R key for me, it maximizes but goes dark.
Tropia Demo
Old school NES style RPG. It's called Tropia for a reason. We're not trying to make anything revolutionary. If you find yourself thinking, "I'd love to play a game almost just like the original Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy games, but I already beat those games", then this is the game for you.
Follow four heroes, a wizard, paladin, brawler, and ranger, on their adventure. It's 5+ hours of solid turn based monster slaying, macguffin collecting, and princess saving fun.
Fantasy Violence