Статья на русском выйдет чуть позже)
New weapons added:
M24 sniper rifle;
AR-57 submachine gun.
Added new items:
Red berries;
Red berries now grow on the bushes. To pick them, just go to the bush on which they grow; when the bush is highlighted with a yellow outline, and press "F". After harvesting, the bush loses the texture of the berries. After some time, the berries grow again on the bush.
Red berries are the first item that you can stack more than one in your inventory. The maximum number of red berries in one cell is 5 units.
Minor adjustments to inventory:
Now, if an item in one copy is in a cell, the number “1” will not be drawn next to it, only if the item is more than 1 piece.
The font for displaying the number of items in the inventory has been reduced.
Now when you hover your mouse over an item in your inventory, the name of the item is displayed above it. I'll improve it later...
Improved effect of taking damage from zombies:
Now when zombies hit a player the screen not only turns red, now an additional black vignette appears at the edges of the screen.
Added bleeding and an icon for it, has a 33.3% chance of appearing after being hit by a zombie. After receiving bleeding, the player begins to lose 100 units of blood every second (approximately).
Now GUI will be displayed on top of all effects, including screen shaking (example above in the screenshot).
Now when the player shoots at the bushes, some leaf particles are created next to the bushes and scattered to the sides.
This is also how cartridge cases are created that fall out of weapons...
Many sounds added:
- sounds of player movement (several variations),
- sounds of new weapons (firing, reloading),
- aiming sounds,
- sounds of rustling bushes (several variations),
- the sound of picking berries from the bushes (several variations),
- sounds of picking berries from bushes (several variations),
- the sound of bullets hitting a tree post,
- sounds of zombie growling (several variations),
- sounds of zombie death (several variations),
- sounds of a zombie hitting with a hand (several variations),
- sounds when zombies damage the player,
- sounds of eating food and water,
- sounds of using a syringe and bandage,
- stomach rumbling sounds (when the player has little food),
- cartridge case sounds (several variations),
- sounds of birds singing (in the background).
Most likely I will release a video demonstrating the sounds later.
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