New decorations have been added: various grass, garbage, boxes, etc.

Added slots for clothing and armor, in the future there will be more of these slots...

This slot is responsible for masks, balaclavas, etc.
The slot is responsible for headgear (hats, helmets).
The slot is responsible for outerwear (turtlenecks, sweaters, etc.).
This slot is responsible for body armor.
This slot is responsible for pants, shorts...
An example of rendering clothing and armor on a player.

Additional slots for storing things have also been added. At the moment, these slots are created by body armor, their number depends on the type of body armor...

Slots in which you can put any item.
Slots in which you can put the type of item "Grenade".
Slots for storing magazines.
You can interact with some decor. Boxes - have their own separate inventory, you can store things in them. The principle of operation is the same as that of the inventory. To interact, you need to come closer and hover your mouse over the box; when it lights up, press the "F" key.

Steyr AUG A1
Steyr AUG A3
Mosin rifle

In connection with the new inventory functionality in the form of slots for stores, the reloading system has been redesigned.
Now, when reloading a weapon, the bulletproof vest unloading slots will first be checked for the presence of a suitable magazine.

Many new items have been added.
I don’t see the point in writing their names and why they are needed or will make sense, since something may change in the future...

Improvements to throwing items out of inventory. Now the object will fly away from the player in the direction the player is facing.
Adding grenades brings variety to zombie killing
Added: "F1" grenade and "RGO" grenade.
They have different flight physics and triggering effect:
When thrown, the "RGO" grenade will fly a little further; the explosion will occur instantly upon interaction with a surface, tree or zombie.
The "F1" grenade is slightly heavier and will explode some time after contact with the surface.
Grenades will have "two affected areas":

The red zone deals damage:
Grenade "F1" - 180-250 damage
Grenade "RGO" - 160-220 damage
2. The yellow zone deals damage:
Grenade "F1" - 75-120 damage
Grenade "RGO" - 60-120 damage
To throw a grenade, just put it in the unloading area of your body armor and press the "G" key.

Example of throwing grenades and explosion effect:

Zombies and their artificial intelligence
Improved and changed zombie artificial intelligence:
Now they will react to the sounds of shots from different weapons and explosions.
Having heard the sound of a shot or explosion, they will move to the approximate point where this sound was made. When moving to this point, if a zombie notices the player, it will lose interest in this point and will follow the player until it loses sight of him. When a zombie loses a player, it moves to the point where it last saw the player...
The distance at which zombies notice the player has been reduced.
They keep a certain distance between themselves when moving behind the player (this will allow them to get stuck in each other less often).
Now, when spawning, zombies will look in a random direction.
Added zombie attack options:
Now, when attacking a player, the zombie determines which attack to inflict on him: a blow or a bite.
Each attack has its own damage:
The blow takes away from the player: from 5 to 10 health and from 50 to 100 units of blood.
A bite takes away from the player: from 15 to 25 health and from 300 to 500 units of blood.
Added new zombie variations:
For variety, I will add more in the future...

Smoke effect when shooting:
Improvements and changes to smoke behavior when firing weapons. More smoke when shooting with sniper rifles.
Effect of taking damage from zombies:
Now the strength of the effect depends on the “type” of the zombie attack. If this is a normal blow, the effect is normal. If it is a bite, the black vignette effect becomes stronger, more visible and longer lasting.
Blood Effect:
The amount of player blood now depends on the type of zombie attack. The blow is less, the bite is more.
Grenade explosion effect:
Made quickly. Will be finalized. There is an example of an explosion a little higher.
The animations for drinking water and eating canned food have also been changed and improved.

Zombie movement animations have been made a little smoother.
Added new zombie death animation options for variety.
The zombie strike animation has been reworked and a zombie bite animation has been added (more on this below).
- The sound of birds singing will now sound less frequently. At startup, a random volume will be indicated.
- Added new movement sounds when the player is wearing pants (7 variations).
- Added new movement sounds when the player is wearing body armor (9 variations).
The speed of their playback depends on the type of movement of the player; if the player walks, the sounds play at a short interval; if the player runs, the sounds play without delay.
- The principle of operation of player movement sounds (rustling grass) has been changed. Now their playback speed depends on the player’s type of movement; if the player walks, the sounds play at a short interval; if the player runs, the sounds play without delay.
- Zombie growl sounds have been reworked. Now the old growling sounds when a zombie is chasing the player will be played in passive mode.
Passive mode - when the zombie is not chasing the player. The further away the player is, the quieter the growling sounds will be.
- Added 2 new variants of zombie growl sounds in passive mode.
- Added new growling sounds when a zombie chases the player in aggressive mode (6 variations).
The volume of sounds depends on the distance to the player.
- Added new variations of zombie death sounds (3 options).
- Added zombie bite sounds (4 options).
- Added sounds for opening boxes (2 options).
- Added sounds for closing boxes (2 options).
- Added new variants of bush rustling sounds (2 new variants).
- Added sounds of quiet creaking trees when the player is nearby (4 options).
- Added the sound of eating berries.
- Changed the sound of drinking water, now it fits better with the animation.
- Changed the sound of eating canned food, now it fits better with the animation.
- Added sound for opening/closing inventory
- Added sound for putting on and taking off hats.
- Added sound for putting on and taking off masks.
- Added the sound of putting on and taking off body armor (so far the sound is the same for all types).
- Added sound for putting on and taking off turtlenecks.
- Added sound for putting on and taking off all types of pants.
- Added sound for moving grenades into the grenade slots of body armor.
- Added sound for magazines moving into bulletproof vest magazine slots.
- Added the sound of throwing grenades "F1" and RGO.
- Added the sound of the explosion of "F1" and RGO grenades.
- Added firing sounds for the Mosin rifle.
- Added shooting sounds for M4A1.
- Added shooting sounds for Steyr AUG A1.
- Added shooting sounds for Steyr AUG A3.
- Added magazine loading sound for Steyr AUG A1 and Steyr AUG A3.
- Added magazine pulling sound for HK-416, LR-300 ML and M4A1.
- Добавлен звук вытаскивания магазина с Steyr AUG A1 и Steyr AUG A3.
- Added the sound of the magazine being pulled out from the AR-57 and FN-P90.
- Added the sound of removing the magazine from the M24 and Mosin rifle.
- Added magazine pulling sound for Glock 17 and Glock 18.
- Added the sound of the magazine being pulled out from the HK-MP5.
- Added sound for picking up pistols.
- Added sound for picking up rifles and submachine guns.
- Fixed a bug with incorrect calculations of player collisions with bushes and tree foliage.
- Fixed a bug when a weapon moved to a slot was incorrectly displayed in the player’s hands.
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