Hello everyone!
Today is devlog day! We got few things to present to you.
The dialog system
Yes, they talk. The hero talk, the enemies talk, everyone can talk. They make funny noises when they talk. Those dialog are perfectly integrated in-game and we can make the speed or the sound vary, plus, we can make several character talk at the same time. These dialogs will bring fun in a scenario that will… Oh, that will be for another time ;)
The paint
As you can see on the video, the hero can absorb the paint to fill up a gauge. This gauge, when full, will deplete and you will be granted a one usage skill. The obtained skill depends of the absorbed color. But, there’s a catch. You do remember that the hero can slow down time? Well, this power user paint from your gauge too. So, you will have to choose devastating skills or a life-saver slow-motion.
Perks choice
After each room is cleared, you will have the choice to go in one of the four cardinal directions. Each path will be attributed with one random perk. The path you take will have a direct influence on the progress of the game. You wanted to follow that specific path ? Well, you will have that perk. A perk can be good or bad. Perks will improve the character in a lot of different ways.
( Note that every perk, skill, dialog and enemies present in the video are not definitive. So don’t worry if some things looks unfinished ;) )
Here’s the video :
That’s all for today ! Do not hesitate to give your thought about this.