Untitled Game
2 years ago

Devlog #8 - 0.17.0 Progress

Personal Talk

Hello everyone! long time since I didn't say anything here, that's because I have taken some time to game with some friends and most important, deal with a few personal problems in the past months, since the end of 2017 I have been dealing with some symptoms of Depression and my way to deal with this kind of stuff is always dealing with it all by my own y'know? that's how I go through a lot of stuff my entire life but, that's not good y'know? I have been thinking about taking some therapy sessions but, well, I still didn't do that so, I'm taking it easy with myself, but because of that, I have been away from the game for some time.

Back in July of this year I started feeling a bit better after finally getting away from some recent stuff that happened, and now that I'm feeling much better I started working on the game again so, all I want to say is that I'm good now, no need to worry!

I also want to thank everyone who still follows and leave a few lovely comments on the NDOTZW page, getting to know that since ZBU I have been a big part of the childhood from a few peoples is pretty nice actually and really give me more desire to continue working with Game Development, thank's you all love you guys <3

Now let's dive into the good stuff

0.17.0 Progress

Alright, I have a few things to show to y'all so let's start with the HUD

The HUD was something that I didn't really think about how it will be until now (I think), I have tried a lot of designs for the entire HUD and I finally got something that I think it's "nice", but I still plan to change a few things here and there but, here is the current HUD







There are still a few places that will be changed a bit like the Perks store and the Options name right there, see?

What new things we will have?

Maybe a little too much? idk here are some more silly screenshots

New Items


I have a lot more to show, but not right now, you all will also have to wait to see the new classes 👀

So... that's all?

No! I also can say that with the help of a few friends the game has been entirely rebalanced (again!) I have changed the price for the weapons, items, zombie's life, when they start spawning, the amount of zombies per wave, and much more! but you will still need to wait a bit to see.

Another thing that I made was rewriting a good chunk of my code and well, this... was something that really took some time to be done, but now the code look's as good as a chocolate cake.

That's all for now folks!

I still have some work to do like work on the new boss, the new class a few new items, and fixing some pesky bugs, I may take more time to post another devlog but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for this version so, see you soon (I hope!)

Hope this devlog clarified a few people about how the development is going, I also want to say that I post a few previews and talk a bit about myself on my profile, but it's all in my native language (Portuguese Brazilian) so, consider this as an invite if you want to see more about the game from time to time or just want to see me talking things about my life sometimes 🤙.




Next up

algumas coisas novas na HUD atualmente

canal tá de volta no Youtube (não o antigo), depois eu posto um video da 0.17.0 lá pra da uma atualizada no pessoal

primeira vez que tento fazer animação pra botões na HUD, até que não fico nada mal

It's finally here! Update 0.17.0

Changelog 0.10.0 Reconnect System, some changes and a lot of fixes!

Changelog 0.7.0

to pensando em retrabalhar como a HUD funciona internamente ao invés de só deixar tudo pre-setado no player, alguem ai que já trabalho com HUD tem alguma dica pra me da?

Devlog #6 New lobby, Appearance and more!

In-game options and next steps!