3 Nights with the Sketched Ones (a.k.a. no ******* way, koob is making a fnaf fangame that isn't top down. holy **** that's (not) impressive)

1 year ago

Devvy Update: Currently attempting to turn on the cameras. If they'll work, we might just see new "sketchy" guests.



Next up

...welp, they've fixed it. About damn time, really, even if it was sth that only happened today & HOPEFULLY only today and never again.

In other news: There's a RoA buddy (from the Workshop) that turns your cursor into an overpowered dragging thing that also has throwing properties during {offline} battles. Incredible, just incredible.

(the buddy in question is by RuberCuber)

Quick 'lil update (since this game sure as hell needs it): The jist of all the normal nights is done - mechanics & the foes.

Also, I did a slight touch-up to the office to make it darker - that's on the 1st image.

My, my, what a bright smile you have. Such things can only make you quite a jolly & friendly fellow to be around, right?

(why yes, I am still working on it, how could you tell?)

Acquired peak gaming(s) yesterday. Feelin' pretty tasty about it.

My class had a Saint Nich's day today. This is what my gift's bag's tag looked like. Very epic.

...I don't think putting up 4 normal-ish characters against a team of 4 Giygases by The_None was a good idea.

(fyi: Uncaringly messing around on the internet & becoming aware of M.U.G.E.N. has its consequences - mostly humorous, but sometimes sp00py*)

le funi title drop (granted, I've revealed it under one of my videos, but... Who cares, I reveal it anyway because I said so. Also I might rename the page to it today)

Here's an FYI about my previous post: This is what the Front Page of GJ looks like. Due to the shit-ass Arcane promotion, there's a dull & ugly background that covers up both of the buttons! Genuinely dogshit web design, I hope this gets reverted soon.