The Discord server for this game has been deleted by the current project leader (Lolbit), and we're not sure why or what happened. That server stored all info about the game, progress, and lore.
Main theories are that:
A. The owner's Discord account got hacked: We've decided it wouldn't really make sense in the long run as there would not be a reason to delete a random Discord server if her account was hacked by the ordinary money-making scam bot.
B. The project got stolen: We've had one very sketchy and rude developer on the team that practically did nothing to help the project for quite a while now, I won't reveal their name as we have no hard evidence they were involved in this. This is however the main theory I'm personally going with, as I've seen MANY FNaF fangames and many indie horror games in general getting stolen.
C. The leader of the project was tired of the game: This is also quite possible, and has happened in my past before. "Project leader not wanting to work on the project any longer and deleting the project"
Even though this sounds quite bad, fear not as we still have the project files and i may or may not have hidden copyrightable metadata in everything I have made in case of stolen project files/assets.
This project might be rebranded (we're not sure), but the project will still continue work, with myself as the owner during the future.