2 years ago

Disney Princesses go to Hogwarts

Sometimes... yes sometimes you really stumble upon people who make something wonderful, and this picture, done by "Alice Creates" is really a very very nice piece of work which deserves my attention. As a matter of fact, it deserves so much attention that I post it here, to get yours, as this picture does not just deserve my attention, but that of the entire world. Yup, yup, yup! I'm serious here!


Click here to see the video in which this picture is being created.

  • Belle (Beauty and the Beast) as Hermione Granger
    (fair exchange after Hermione (Emma Watson) portrayed Belle in the life action movie).

  • Rapunzel (Tangled) as Luna Lovegood

  • Mulan (Mulan) as Cho Chang (Who else?)

  • Anna (Frozen) as Lavender Brown

  • Kristoff (Frozen) as Ron Weasley

  • Claude Follo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) as Severus Snape (he's perfect for that role, isn't it?)

And of course very nice roles for Mushu (Mulan) and Pascal (Tangled).

We can say that this picture not only does the Disney Princesses (plus one prince and one villain and two creatures) justice, but the Harry Potter characters they portray as well.

10 points each, so that's a total of 30 points to Gryffindor, 20 points to Ravenclaw, and 10 points to Slytherin. 😉

https://trickygameclassics.tumblr.com, https://jeroensindiereviews.tumblr.com



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