The Fairy Tale REVAMPED

3 years ago

Current situation on TFT REVAMPED

I recreated the game entirely in the Apollo Game Engine. This because LAURA II is having issues with current graphics drivers and the BlitzMax compiler not really being kind on me anymore, so I basically had to.

Apollo has entirely been written in C++, this to make sure that I'll always have a compiler present at least. Apollo also uses SDL2 which is a well maintained library for game creation.

I tried to keep the LAURA II version and the Apollo version as much the same as possible, but some very important changes have been made.

  1. The game no longer supports Game Jolt trophies. I'll explain later why. The Anna system is also no longer supported. The Medals system will be used in stead and Anna's Temple also responds to that. More about that later.

  2. Savegames are NOT compatible, this due to the entirely different technical underground of the two versions (which is bigger than the eye suggests).

  3. The Dandleton sidequest was in the original game only available in the New Game+. Now it has become a regular sidequest. The link to the Hall of Heroes has been removed from it and been placed to a new sidequest that is New Game+ only.

  4. Keyboard control has been removed. The game is now Mouse Only.

  5. Mac support has been removed! Apple has gone paranoid, and I refuse to support Apple in their current attempt to tyrannize their customers. I am still investigating if Linux support is a possibility, but you should know that Linux and I were never good friends, so no promises. Since Apollo has been released under a GPL3 license, I cannot legally stop you to make a Mac port yourself (that is as long as NONE of the JCR6 files have been altered, as they have their own license), but I will never officially support this.

  6. A few changes have been planned to the Juggernaut fight, as I've always given a few statements in that particular fight.

First, why the discontinuation of the Trophies? You should have noticed, that I did the same for Dyrt and Star Story, and yes all my games are about to be disconnected from Game Jolt. Once that's done, I will terminate my Game Jolt account. If you want to keep playing my games go to in stead. I will not go into the deep why I came to this decision, but I've been considering it for a long time now (nearly all my current blog posts of general kind here have been posted over a year ago using the scheduling system. They should also be copied automatically to my tumblr page). I kinda promised I would still get the first beta versions of the new TFT game online and to make sure all my games can be played without the GJ API before mailing the actual request to Nathan or Yaprak (aka thoro) to make the purge actually happen.
The Anna system has been discontinued as I want to get rid of the Anna server, and I had some issues with Anna anyway that made me decide to discontinue it. In stead the Medals system has been used. Medals is an offline system and all it uses the internet for is to update the data about my games in order to work properly. Achievements do still work, but in stead of using Game Jolt or Anna they are now logged on your own system locally and all my games can check the data in order to unlock certain bonuses (Dyrt does this by opening some extra secret dungeons, TFT uses Anna's temple for that and Star Story II can provide extra bonuses through that). This data remains on your system alone and is not sent to me, so no spyware or anything.

The old version of the game should be removed from both GJ and itch by now (and I'll check to make sure). The current Alpha version is only available through itch. Click here for that. This because butler is perfect for alpha versions that may need daily updates, although in the current state, "daily" is not really the matter anymore, but still it can easily be too many for the complicated way GJ works on this. When the game enters the beta I will soon upload those betas on Game Jolt as well, and with that my final "promises" have been fulfilled.

Well, that brings us up-to-date I think.



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