The Shape On The Ground

7 years ago

Endurance. Esperance. Temperance.

The first ending is complete. The other four possible endings are intended as slight variations of the base one, so their completion shouldn’t take as long. Then again, life has a way of messing up well-intended plans.

Had to start working on the soundtrack in parallel, to test the full ambiance. This means we are checking more tasks off the list.

Our hopeful goal of releasing before the end of summer is well on its way.

May Loss spare us all until then.



Next up

Progression. Digression. Obsession.

New game page is up! New title officially announced : Please Follow will be available December 2019!

New game is out now! PLEASE FOLLOW is available, and on sale!

I published a Post-Mortem for my latest game, 'please', which turned out to be a huge success. Maybe too huge for little old me. Read all about it here :…

Objective. Reflective. Perspective.

Through The Static

Discovery. Delivery. Festivity.

Sound. Found. Bound.

Announcement. Development. Environment.

Completion. Accretion. Repletion.