The Shape On The Ground

7 years ago

Objective. Reflective. Perspective.

All 10 shadowboxes are complete, and the biggest bug preventing the main game mechanic to function properly was fixed. Things are moving along at a faster pace than anticipated. The core experience is fully playable as it is.

What remains to be done is creating the different endings for the game, and polish / optimizing. This last part is expected to be the most time-consuming. Getting better at crafting interactive experiences means that one’s mindfulness of everything that can be fine-tuned is greater, and it makes the task even bigger.

Enthusiasm brought us this far, the rest will come along just as well.

May Loss spare us all until then.



Next up

Sound. Found. Bound.

Announcement. Development. Environment.

Progression. Digression. Obsession.

Completion. Accretion. Repletion.

Endurance. Esperance. Temperance.

New title announcement

Discovery. Delivery. Festivity.

Through The Static

I published a Post-Mortem for my latest game, 'please', which turned out to be a huge success. Maybe too huge for little old me. Read all about it here :…

New game is out now! PLEASE FOLLOW is available, and on sale!