Five nights at Wario's: Diner's Return

3 years ago

Entity log 1: The beauty and the beast

"After observing their behavior, I've figured their behaviors out. The one with the big jaw goes to the left, he can not see in the dark and The Princess also goes left but she doesn't like music, Cristopher out"



Next up

A new coat of paint.

(The unedited room images were provided by @SuperEggGaming , the cameras button, remote button, and camera buttons were made by me, I also edited the room images)

Also, I know it's kind of soon after the last post, but which of these looks best? This is for the logo in the main menu, if none of these work, feel free to suggest something

alright here (btw VIRUS Ashley and Yoshi won't be in the game)

Chapter 2 Remastered

New Wario jumpscare

hey look, my post got featured again

I made a another funny

good news, the scripts are done, now we wait

in order to celebrate have this leak, also have a second image for getting 40 followers

See you soon

hi guys remember the part of fnaw 3 where the house explodes and dry wario's head flys ot of the house


Hey the build isn't done yet, but here's the menu, I honestly just love how it turned out