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Crimson Hunter redesign
(first sprite of the redesign made by Drafex14, new version made by me)
mini Emoji art contest due to Anima Messorem 1 year of existence *happy* join or im gonna call ur mom
Early random "level screen" generator, 4 now only have 4 256x224px "screens".
Generador temprano de "pantallas de nivel", por ahora solo tengo 4 "pantallas" de 256x224.
The demo have the 2 first levels and a section of the MIND level, hope ya like it :D
ENG and BR translation.
a screenshot of the old 1.0, im gonna improve it a lot cuz i don't liked it
Join the Crimson Hell Community if ya wanna see the new updates of Anima Messorem :D
Kirby! :)
Top 10 anime fights
Giygas (overworld) resprited
Acabo de terminar este pequeño juego. Se llama 'Ciro barre su cuarto' y es un rpg hecho en #RPGMakerXP.
No dura más de media hora y es gratis!
Gráficos y música hechos por mí.
We started with the development of the local co-op mode and with the generation of random "level screens" :D
Ya estamos haciendo el co-op y la generacion aleatoria de "pantallas de nivel"