1 year ago

Estoy creando un juego boss rush inspirado por Metal Slug llamado "Cosmic Surge", el juego es cooperativo local con un maximo de 4 jugadores ahora mismo esta en el estado de devlog pero siento que lo puedo terminar para enero. Solo queria compartirlo!



Next up

Tried out painting a couple of days ago, also I have to do a presentation for university, damn…

Hello everyone! I just released the demo for my boss rush indie game yesterday. I just wanted to share the game and a video explaining the creative process. You can check out the demo here if you want.




Hola todos! no se si recuerdan pero hace meses comparti el devlog de mi juego Cosmic Surge. Hoy el juego ha salido de devlog y tiene un demo con los primeros dos "bosses" del juego. Ire sacando mas bosses mientras el tiempo pasa!


Next week Weefager will be Available at IndieDevDay in Barcelona!!


Weefager estará disponible la semana que viene en la IndieDevDay de Barcelona!!

Hola todos! no se si recuerdan pero hace meses comparti el devlog de mi juego Cosmic Surge. Hoy el juego ha salido de devlog y tiene un demo con los primeros dos "bosses" del juego. Ire sacando mas bosses mientras el tiempo pasa!


Hello everyone! Hope you enjoyed Christmas, its been a month since my last post, but I have some good news! The friend that was helping me with the music of the game managed to get everything working and we are working on releasing a demo in February!

Hello everyone, this is my first post here!

Im working on a 4 player local coop boss rush game inspired by Metal Slug called Cosmic Surge. It's still in devlog stage but I just wanted to share this gif of the first boss!

¡Hola a todos en este grupo! Nuevo vídeo de RTG - The Ray-Traced Game. Casi 70% del juego ya está hecho. He aquí ejemplo de puzzle con tirador de la luz cargada e inversor de gravedad. Music: https://www.purple-planet.com/

The good news are that I will be working on devlog videos for the game. I have no release date for the first video but it will come soon. In the mean time here are some sprites from a boss phase rework Im working on! Again Im sorry for the delay.