So, all of this is written in C# using MonoGame and MonoGame.Extended, and the sprites, dredged from the depths of some decade+ old hard drive, were all either frame-by-frame animated in GIMP, or drawn in Anime Studio and animated with Spine. Attempting-to-be-an-animator me was known for neither wise spending habits nor making my own life easy. Much like attempting-to-be-a-programmer me. I guess I haven't changed much.
I initially started this a couple of months back to get myself engaged in learning C#, but it's laid claim to my soul since then and now I can't leave it alone. I'm still a little flabbergasted that it's even drawing anything to the screen, so having animations, walls, collisions, movement, and interactions between entities and scenery all working as intended is just a continuous mind explosion.
I can't thank myself for all of it; between Nate from Esoteric answering just about every forum post any Spine user has ever made and the amazing MonoGame community creating so many tutorials, I do feel like I've had a lot of help. I know I'm still very much not doing this the easy way, and DEFINITELY not the quick way, but I'm having so much fun with the journey of it that I really don't care.
#CSharp #MonoGame #MonoGameExtended #XNA #Spine #Esoteric #EsotericSoftware #GIMP #AnimeStudio #VectorArt #PixelArt