Welcome to Broken Boundary Devlog. Starting with this issue, I have decided to write a Devlog so that you can see what I have done. This is just like writing a diary. It seems a little strange that this starts in February instead of January. lol I will try to post this around the 20th of each month if I remember to. If you want to read this page in Japanese→ https://note.com/oldcoinmania/n/n9d83eb7aca18
Game Updates
Unnecessary images not used in the game were removed. I also reduced the size of the font displaying player status from needlessly too large to a minimum size of 1px. These are to reduce game loading time as much as possible.
In addition, the position of the text displaying status has been adjusted. This is to faithfully reproduce the Undertale battle screen.
And I added the Undertale Last Breath Phase 3 attack.
Other changes included adding a login function, removing unnecessary assets, changing the behavior of lifts, tweaking attacks, changing the behavior of RGB shifts, and fixing bugs.

Asset Updates
I am currently working on a sprite for Dusttale Skeleton Brothers' Home Encounter. The game concept itself is not yet complete, but I'm envisioning a scene where Sans and Papyrus battle in the house where Sans and Papyrus live.
I really have not made any progress at all on Lethal Deal. I still haven't decided whose Cover to use. I am also wondering if adding the slashing code just for Lethal Deal would be a waste of file space. It's possible that Lethal Deal might end up being scrapped.

Site Updates
Around January 20, the number of views on this site suddenly increased. This was a big motivating factor for me. In line with this, I have made the description of this game a little more elaborate. It is definitely cooler than what it has been up to now.
Pressing the Escape key outside of the menu screen will return you to the title screen; pressing and holding the Escape key will exit the game.
You can operate the OST Room by pressing the arrow marks or the Play mark, or you can use the keyboard. Use the up/down keys to select songs and the z key to play.
Early Release Version Available
In conjunction with this devlog, a new early release version is available. It includes all the fixes and updates described here. Please note that it contains unfinished elements and bugs.
Thank you for reading to the end. I will continue to make every effort to develop the game. Please look forward to the completion of the game!