Hey all! Welcome to the "last" post of Fighter Overview! In this post we look at the last two characters that will be featured in the demo; Nightmarionne and Nightmare Fredbear! While more on the simple side, they are still very useful. Let's see what they do!

Type: Single-Target Ailment
Unlock: ???
If there was one Fighter the enemies would regret angering, it would be Nightmarionne! His strong snakelike tentacles can be very threating against the most valuable enemies!
It's attack is named BONE BREAKER. Using his tentacles, he targets the weakest enemy, dealing small Damage three times and heavily reducing their Charge.
Charge is the last stat multiplier. This one affects how fast a character charges their attack. The lower the Charge, the slower the Charge Meter fills up.
This attack can be very useful against annoying enemies. If they have really strong attacks, chances are their Health will be on the lower end! The Charge Reduction can also be very useful to hinder that enemy for a little while, giving you more time for counter play!
Type: Multi-Target Support
Unlock: ???
While biting is his thing, he lets his teammates do it for him! He's not going to hog all the fun, because that wouldn't be fair now, would it?
Nightmare Fredbear's attack is called VENGEANCE. This attack motivates all allies, doubling their Charge for a good while. This attack can be very useful to not only catch up with the enemy team, but to also to get ahead of them!
VENGEANCE is especially useful with allies that have slow charging attacks, meaning it allows very lethal synergies with different Fighters!
And that's it! The entire Demo Roster has been revealed. This series will continue, don't you worry, but expect it to return post-demo, as that's when I'll be working on more Characters ;D
Bye for now!
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