I’ve finally finished Planet Cubed :D
New Features!
-Dynamic color schemes based on the character’s color are now used in more places and have been altered for higher text-visibility
-More Spike Mode levels, and previous ones have been streamlined
-Better ranks, now you’re rewarded for every rank up and you’ll definitely know it
-Lots of tips to help you out
-Subtle changes to story mode based on feedback; most make it easier to learn
-The character mask is now 4 pixels less wide, which for some reason makes a world of difference when you’re sliding through a gap (it was already smaller than gaps though)
According to some math I’ve done, the old highest possible score was somewhere around 500. Now through a lot of gameplay changes including a powerup that freezes your pursuers for a short period, the max score is estimated at around 5000, if there really is a max.

Thanks for reading!