Final version (1.01) out!
I have been developing “Earth is a 3D Planet” for the odd 2 years now.
Finally, I managed to cobble together the various bits of code, fix all known bugs and thus release the final version: 1.01 into the wild.
As I’m now developing another game with my established self-written cross platform framework, I managed to roll back some engine improvements into “Earth 3D”. Everyone wins.
“Earth is a 3D Planet” now features:
-Smaller file size, thanks to efficient datafile compression. (Also less directory clutter.)
-Self healing game files, if you delete a non-important (ini, score) file it will be regenerated on-the-fly.
-Massive speed improvements, over 180% in performance gains as I finally got around to rewriting some core parts of the engine, specifically the font and sprite rendering parts.
-More predictable play, playfield-borders behave much better now visually and gameplay wise. Are no longer an incalculable death-trap.
-Various small bug fixes and improvements, some from player suggestions - so the slowdown now starts later in game and stretches time more. Thus: more time to blow stuff up.