Hi. Some people have been contacting me about the game wanting to know what’s going on and when they can play it, so I figured it was about time to do some sort of an update.
The game is still in development. I felt the need to scrap a lot of content to rebuild and redesign in order to avoid being generic looking, feeling, and sounding. There’s a ton of great free resources out there that have been used and abused by developers and I felt the need to get rid of most of what looked too similar to things I’ve seen countless times.
I removed a lot of old screenshots and added a few new ones as well as uploaded the games title song I recently created.
There will be a smallish playable demo coming out sometime in the near future. It’s hard to come up with a demo that captures the game without ruining the final experience, but I want to make sure the direction it’s going in is working and that the game runs smoothly.
I’m excited to share what I’ve created with everyone, but I don’t want to release something that I’m not happy with.
Thanks for taking the time to read this if you did, and I hope you’re still looking forward to playing my game!
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