Good news everyone! I uploaded alpha version 0.1, which marks the turning point from tech demo to alpha. The cause for celebration is the addition of the Spawn GodPower, which is the start towards the core gameplay of building your own systems. I’ve also added more options to the Push/Pull, and Stop GodPowers, as well as a Pin GodPower, which allows you to pin an object in place, and/or keep it from rotating with varying degrees of power. All 3 of these powers are located in slot 1 (press 1 to cycle through), the Physics GodPowers. The new Spawn GodPower is located in the third slot, so press 3 to switch to it.
I sadly had to remove the City Adding GodPower due to a change in how planets handle collisions. I had to revert the collider from a mesh collider that matched the terrain, to a simple sphere because the mesh was too expensive to resize, or have multiple of in a scene.
I’ll try to add some more tonight, possibly the Grab GodPower, but the next update may be as late as Monday. I’ll do my best to get it out sooner though. Let me know what you guys think of the new GodPowers.