One Basic Night with baldi Reincarnated (Unofficial)
3 days ago

first and last devlog (sorry if there was no devlog a year ago, but I'll try to show a bit of content lmao)


The game is practically 70% complete, all that remains is to program the autosave and make the sprites.


The custom night is now a guide, sorry if you are a little disappointed, but it was too complicated for me to program a custom night, but don't worry, there may be an update, because in the future I plan to make my own fangame inspired by the UCN (which is part of the nabb, and is where I will learn)


The characters had a big change in most of their mechanics. I won't tell them because the guide already says what you should do.


Although the game will not have custom night, it will have a hard mode in the style of ONAF, and the game will be difficult (I already programmed the difficulty of the characters depending on how fast you are)

I don't have much to say, but the game will have more game over screens and rare screens.



Next up

the minigame has been coded

I'm going to program a hard difficulty for the characters (for now I have 2 characters left to code)


The autosave is already programmed, I just need to finish a few things and the game will be ready and I will try it and beta test it.

News regarding the development. Indefinite Delay - True classic for a FNAF Fan Game right?

Well, the gameplay for the night is finished

AI: 100%

Gameplay: 100%

The only thing left to do is to program the autosave, make the sprites to make the minigame and the end of the game, and start beta testing it to see if it is bug-free

After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!


(I still need to add more details to the minigame, like putting party decorations and tables)

The game could have minor changes


AI is being coded.

I have like 2 characters programmed