Hello there!
I'm happy to announce the first devlog for UT: From the Dust.
So now let's see..
How the things are
At this point, the game has its full lore, but not the entire story. That's mainly because of the lack of some side characters who can expand the story. Good news is that the main character Lar have their lore and pacifist ending done. And I don't want to sound too confident, but the lore of the game, and mainly of Lar, is one of the best stories I've ever made. So I hope you like it in the distant future.
Programming is in reeeeeally early stages, since I think it's better to do all the rooms, bakgrounds and sprites first for each location and then throw it to the GameMaker. Is it a good way how to make a game? No clue, but something's telling me I'll find soon enough. But that doesn't mean nothing has been programmed at all, something already exists.
Talking about the rooms and stuff.. The map of the first location is nearly done, I'm just fixing imperfections at this point. I have also already drawn few of the rooms. The latest one is the city gate entrance. I've also drawn some sprites, most of Lar and then NPCs located in the Starlands caves and the city. And of course I wrote some monologues for them as well.

The music is the most complicated for me, since I never wrote any music in my life. I'm hoping I'll be able to do it ..somehow. That's where I would appreciate help the most.
And that's it ..for now ;D
Thank you for reading everything and mostly thank you for caring about this project. Next devlog will release well.. when there'll be more stuff. So until the next time,
(PS. The help is still needed, so if you're interested, text me on the Discord (nametag: cimrmanolog), thank youuu)