Comments (1)
Nice !

*Long ago, two races ruled over world: HUMANS and MONSTERS.
*One day, a cruel war broke out between the two races.
*After many battles, the humans were victorious and they sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.
*But everyone knows this story ...right?
*One group of monsters was able to repel the human attacks. But one day, they were finally defeated as well.
*Humans knew of the strength these monsters held so they sealed them even deeper, to make sure they will never get out. They have lost all connections with the other remaining monsters.
*It has been many years now. And no one knows what will happen next.
...... until...

Hello to anyone reading this! I'm happy to introduce you to an UNDERTALE fan-game called UNDERTALE: From the Dust
UNDERTALE: From the Dust is a story about a strange creature awaken deep in the underground caves called Starlands. With no memory and just a scarf they set to a journey to find who they really are and to discover their real identity. As a player, you'll discover a completely new underground world and meet many new monsters, and hopefully friends. Don't forget that it is a RPG where nobody has to die!
Development? Yeah about that-.. It is quite tricky. I myself have no clue when this all will be done. And since I don't like promises, I won't promise any potential release date or anything like that. That's why I've made this devlog site! I'll keep adding new stuff here until it's all finally done.
With that.. help is needed. It really is. All help is appreciated, so if you have even the lightest experience, go for it! You can find me on Discord (name: cimrmanolog)
Thank you for reading all of this, I'll keep you updated!

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans