Untitled Game
4 years ago

First-person Rework

Hey everyone! I think you guys maybe have seen my last post right? well, now I'm making this other post to show you guys a bit of what I'm working on right now, as you can see in the title I'm reworking how the First-person work on the game, this is one of the most important things I have to do right now to make my job easier to work on the future so have a look


As you can see, now the player doesn't move her entire spine just to look up or down.

I'm reworking this to make the feedback of the controls more valuable for the player (and because it was very strange before XD), hope you guys like what I'm doing, see you guys soon!



Next up

In-game options and next steps!

It's finally here! Update 0.17.0

consegui fazer uma coisinha que eu queria fazer a muito tempo funcionar

algumas coisas novas na HUD atualmente

Changelog 0.11.0 and some warnings

Changelog 0.10.0 Reconnect System, some changes and a lot of fixes!

to pensando em retrabalhar como a HUD funciona internamente ao invés de só deixar tudo pre-setado no player, alguem ai que já trabalho com HUD tem alguma dica pra me da?

Changelog 0.17.2

canal tá de volta no Youtube (não o antigo), depois eu posto um video da 0.17.0 lá pra da uma atualizada no pessoal