Escape from DIMANSION

6 years ago

First work-in-progress screenshots

This must be the only game in history in which the player starts out with a speck of glitter as their only inventory item. All the rooms in the Dimansion will be rendered using Blender and each will have the exact same perspective and basic layout. This aids in creating the background and wiring up the rooms. Many assets can be reused, each room should still have its own unique character. For instance, why is there an easel on the ceiling in the room? Or is it on the ceiling?



Next up

Just a few more animations to draw. Getting pretty close to the definitive look of the game.

Small but serious bug fixed - game now runs through WINE

Saving and loading added to Escape from DIMANSION

Work in progress

All right, stick a fork in it! It's done!

The jam has started, let the development begin! And what better way to begin than at the beginning? The title screen has been made and the devlog is up here on GameJolt!

Completed my 2021 Adventure Jam entry with the ridiculously long title: "The misadventures of Jeffrey Jetsam. Shouldn't that be flotsam? No, trust me on this one." - a small, simple and free point and click adventure

Updated version of a Royal Midnight Snack

We are under attack!

Here's a peaceful little forest scene for this #screenshotsaturday, from the beginning of the game.