What’s New? -
Added Animation for Pulling up the Cameras and Repair Screens!
W, A, and D now control your doors!
What’s Changed? -
Fixed a bug where Freddy would Jumpscare you right as he appears in your doorway
Fixed a bug where ????? would leave the room while looking at him in the camera.
Tweaked rate at ????? moves.
Increased the rate at power is drained.
Replaced some Visual Assets.
You can now mute the game in the settings menu.
Fixed a bug where when you have all volume options to 0 would set the volume options back to default when restarting game.
Tweaked how Reading and Saving your Save File works.
Fixed Debug menu.
Fixed a bug where clicking on Night Two - Five wouldn’t do anything. For the time being it will now say “Night #” When loading into the Night One Prototype.
Fixed a bug where pressing W, A, or D in the Camera Screen would let the player open/close the door from within the Camera.
Fixed a bug where pressing W, A, or D in the Repair menu would let you open/close the door whlie the repair menu is open.
Fixed a bug where pressing W, A, or D While repairing a door in the Repair Menu, would let you Open/Close the door and Skip the repair time and sound.
Erasing save data now deletes all data! [Audio Levels, Current Night, and Unlocks will now be deleted!]
When Erasing save data, you will now get a warning and will have 10 seconds to close the game to stop the erasing process. [Will not cause data corruption! The erasing process happens after 10 seconds!]
Increased time looking at the newspaper.
Synced Audio and Graphics.
What’s Planned for 0.3.0? -
Finalized Assets.
Tweaked AI.
Voice Acting for Animatronics in the Gameover Screen.
Bug Fixes.
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