Major and final update for the game has been released!
A year and a half after the release of the reissue of FNwFroggy 2, the last update for the game was finally completed and released.
Main menu:
Now the menu items "New game" and "Continue" are in a separate section;
Bestiary where you can find out some information about the characters;
Endings tree. Available after completing the sixth night.
A game:
New game mode "Endless Night". Hold out as much as possible, the toys move faster and faster. Available after completing the sixth night;
New game mode "Challenges". Try to beat the nights with specific conditions and unique mechanics. Available after completing the sixth night;
The legendary return of two secret nights. Available after completing the sixth night;
New find in the "Bottles" mini-game;
New achievements (mobile version only).
Night gameplay:
A list of tasks in the night, which will guide you on further actions;
Now Bertin's thoughts appear in the nights;
If you do not turn off the fire alarm, then after a minute the firefighters will arrive and the game will end;
Now in video surveillance, when a toy moves from place to place, there is interference instead of the inscription "No signal";
On the seventh night, the cameras are gradually switched off (tradition from the first FNwF);
Switching on the switchboard has become more convenient in the mobile version.
Fairy Kingdom scenes:
The mobile version now has a larger display scale;
Redesigned joystick in the mobile version;
Customizable controls (joystick/arrows) in the mobile version.
Other things:
The language is selected automatically (only if you have Russian or English on your device);
PC version now supports Discord Rich Presence;
New setting "Subtitles" in the mobile version. Includes text display of some sounds in the night;
In the mobile version, the side bars are now decorated.
I wish you a good game and success in your game achievements!