FNaBP, But Better!
2 months ago

FNaBP 1 CN v1.0.3

  • Fixed a few grammar errors in the DRPC.

  • You can now left click to skip the static in the game over screen after one second has passed.

  • The best time/game over time looks better in the code (it wont look different in game but it looks better when looking through the code)

DISCLAIMER: FNaBP 2 CN will not be happening anytime soon. No, it's not cancelled. However, Green Jerry plans to add in new plushies for v1.1, and he can't work on it right now, because he doesn't have a computer. So, i won't be working on FNaBP 2 CN until that update comes out. Thanks for reading.



Next up

The official Discord server for FNaBP, But Better is open!

Come on in and have a good time! (Just be sure to read the rules before you start chatting)

you can customize the key you use for the flashlight

js a misc qol thing i added cus why not

NOTE: You can't use Escape as a key, & you won't be able to leave the Options menu until you select a key. (you can still Alt + F4 tho, it js wont save)

some progress ive made during my work with this as of rn

the characters in monochrome are the ones not programmed (all of the secret characters being color isnt gonna be whats there in the final game, just screenshot thing)


And the next character programmed is Golden Freddy!

Yeah, I lied about F. Freddy being next lol. Was bored and decided to make GF's AI next. I MAY do Shadow Freddy's AI next but idk.

so far 2/6 characters programmed :3

Rat Race Production Update

Something new...

Somewhere you haven't seen before...

Only 3 are remaining to program... This game will be out soon.

oh yeah btw i decided to overhaul the games mfa cus im not happy with its current state so bon-bons code is gone (itll be back sooner or later tho)


And the first character programmed is Bon-Bon!

This was the easiest AI to program, so he's programmed first. Next up is Funtime Freddy!

(also this finally means i'll be releasing a game)