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i dont like to show fangames i play, but pokewilds will be an exception.
I just love this fangame and im waiting 4 a multiplayer mode.
Fixed n Free view testing, now you can store Etanks and more things 4 the fangame coming (not so) soon.
Improved the view cause was a bit buggy before.
So, part of the tileset are ready, now the levels generates 256x224 screens randomly (with some exceptions to avoid softlocks and bs like that)
Pvz Eternal Remake seeds sprites + some backgrounds made by Drafex14
Smol background 4 castle section of MIND level
Why i choose to only use 2 colors + background and a max of 300x240, idk, i'm hungry so i will continue this later, hope you like this preview of one cutscene of Lethal impact :P.
If you wanna play first the demos of Super Mario Bros: Lethal Impact or SMB3 Unbrotherhood follow them or join to our discord server:, (if you follow them you can leave a like :P). SMB Lethal Impact spoiler: boss fight.
Faster than Proto man, he has a stronger Mega Buster that can DESTROY enemies with only one Charge Shot.
Do you prefer Proto man or Mega man?
RĂ¡pido y con un Poderoso Mega Buster que barre enemigos.
Prefieres a Proto man o a Mega man?
Early random "level screen" generator, 4 now only have 4 256x224px "screens".
Generador temprano de "pantallas de nivel", por ahora solo tengo 4 "pantallas" de 256x224.
The choices starts on "MIND" level, they will define what ending r ya gonna get.
i guess ya can understand the endings reading them so spoilin alert:
Royal regret.
Eternal king.
No hero.