So to start off: release day went well! Argh got a good turnout of interested people, most of whom gave various forms of feedback. A lot of those things I implemented, and then we had bisquits and gravy, so to speak. I went off to play Rome: Total War, and lose, and then I started thinking: hey, maybe I should try planning ahead for once?
This is an attempt at that.
To start, there were a few things that I have yet to implement from feedback, including but possibly not limited to:
a slight delay between death and respawn
make jumping less floaty
git gud at level design
Add actual freaking buttons instead of just a bunch of keys for the UI. Jesus man, stop being so lazy!
Okay so that last one might be a little harsh. Either way, these things were not done today either due to complexity or just that they can’t be done in a day, I think. However, I have a plan for them, and a plan with you I shall share!
Do the things above
Wow. Good. Other things that people didn’t share with me but that I want to do anyway include but are not limited to:
Add more levels
Reduce the lag somehow
Get a goat, ritual book, and some red paint for the lag issue
Revisit the artwork and make it better
Add more stuff in general
Clean up the mess I made in bullets 2 and 3
There are probably some other things, but I can’t think of them right now. Either way, these things are all things that I believe will take time. I think someone said something along those lines for Rome’s construction plans, but I don’t really remember. Which reminds me, I need to get back to my game.