So, two things, first off, I overhauled the game page as it looked sloppy and unpolished before and now it looks much better however there will definitely some possible tweaks and changes in the future for the page. Now onto the juicy part.
So, what's the current state of 12/25/90? I would say it's in a very solid state however the game isn't entirely finished (it is nearing completion though :) But things have been going a bit slow. School has started up and I plan to play fall sports so development will definitely get slower at times but hey, I'll push through.
I will also mention that the game is quite playable Aswell. Gave it out to too the testers last week, things were chaotic and unexplained. But the game now has instructions so don't worry.

Oh, and one last thing. The game will be featured in a fangames at Freddy's like direct called Stratosphere run by @Eiklips . The event will kick off in October so stay tuned for more updates for that. I should also mention that there will be a prerecorded QnA of the developers featured in the event so when I'm ready between the timeframe of now and when there's a deadline for my feature in the event, I'm open to answering questions about the game and possible questions about me as a game dev :)
Anyways, stay tuned for more!
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