2 years ago

New Projects + Revelations and New Fangame!

Within the Team, in a very internal Part, we have Worked on 2 Secret Projects But we have not shown it publicly on our page so in this Post we will reveal these Secret Projects Of course without ruining future surprises :)

One of these projects is too early to Reveal a large part of what is being carried out so as not to ruin the future mechanics and Puzzles that we will leave on our Social Networks, these Data will be Mentioned

  • The Director of this Project leads the hand of @TinBearGames

  • The Game will be inside an Orphanage in an overshadowed environment of the years 1983 within this game reference will be made to Stories told by Workers of this type of Institutions

  • In this game we want to make a Terror that depends more on the Player's psychology (Terror without reaching the grotesque)

  • Progress: 1.2% ▓▓

  • Characters: 43% ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓

If you are interested in helping with the development, contact this discord

Contact: TinBear#1884


We Will Limit ourselves to Sharing Many Photos of the Map or Assets of the game but we would like to show things to Highlight of this Game

  • Progress: 2.4% ▓▓

  • Characters: 49.3 ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓

  • The Game will not have a Gamejolt page until the game is Uploaded (This may change in the future due to some requirements)

  • The Artistic Section will be delicately Beautiful focusing the Fear of the clowns in a Beautiful Expression

  • The Game will be Made in Unreal Engine 5!

Regarding our Happy Memories - Matthew's - TDHH Projects, their Development will continue to be the same for the Next Editions of Revelation, progress will be shown (I do not promise anything but I do not deny anything either)

Image: The Darkest Hours Hotel



What's Next After These Projects?

After creating and completing part of these Amazing projects, we plan to create and extend our Branches... Who knows if we will become Streamers in the future, no hehe...

We plan to create Causes (Mini events where we help something specific) We hate the Phrase

Game Cancelled and several of you too, many of these Projects are Canceled due to lack of Ideas, Lack of help, and lack of Outreach to the community

We are not a huge Entity to be able to help everyone at the same time, but we have learned something and that is if you can help someone... why deny it? Whether it's an enemy or someone you hate, it's wrong to be Selfish like that (Help them if they ask clearly)


Que Sigue Despues de Estos Proyectos?

Luego de crear y Completar parte de estos Asombrosos proyectos tenemos pensado crear y extender nuestras Ramas.. Quien sabe si a futuro nos volvemos Streamers no hehe...

Tenemos Pensado crear Causas (Mini eventos donde ayudamos algo en especifico) Detestamos la Frase Juego Cancelado y varios de Ustedes tambien, mucho de estos Proyectos son Cancelados por falta de Ideas, Falta de ayuda, y falta de Alcance a la comunidad

Nosotros no somos una Entidad enorme para poder ayudar a todos a la vez, pero algo hemos aprendido y es si puedes ayudar a alguien.. porque negarlo? ya sea un enemigo o alguien que odias esta mal ser Egoista de esa manera (Ayudalo si lo piden claro)

The FrenneticGoat Team is grateful for the support they have received during these last few months and for our anniversary we have many things planned that you will probably like!


Social Webs

Att: Mr.Davnsky / Rae / Pumped



Next up

Matthew Small Devlog


Graphical Improvement.

There will be many changes and I won't say anything, but there will be signs.

Firesides / Stream Developing?

The malevolent force lurking within an alternate reality



I just had a refreshing nap