2 years ago

Glassomberry, Sequinite, Intelavander and AMD Ribbonberry Rubyzen SQD. 4 wallpaper combo



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Obliteraflares: Judging by the name of this abstract phenomenon these flares emmerge from the sky and obliterate any person's sense of vision with their radiating shades of pink.

Just installed Windows Aqua on my laptop!

Today i Found a Bug on Discord, When Discord Turned into a AOL Instant Messenger Style, You Know AOL Instant Messenger but Discord Style O_o

Rate the following:

1. My attempt at replicating an original OEM installation of Vista

2. My Windows 8.1 Start Screen

Windows XP wallpaper on my Mac.



Make Your Room More Visually Appealing Using Microsoft's New SurroundSpark™ Technology

Note: I am NOT affiliated with Microsoft, this is fanmade!

You will be missed, Cortana.

So, I put you next to your sibling.

Or maybe we’ll see you again in Halo.

Improved my Start Screen and my sideloading skills!