Mega Versus

2 years ago

Mega versus update! 0.1.2

What did i do?

  • Menus

I did make a menu for you to select the mode you wanna play : Versus (1v1) , Boss (2v1 Boss) , Practice (1v1 Inmovible player)

And i did a menu for you to select you character! It does look good!

  • Game Modes

I added a new game mode called "Practice"

It's very simple to understand, You will just attack an inmovible bot

  • Characters

The most important part, Now it is only Megaman VS Cutman, Now I added : ElecMan GutsMan IceMan & Zero!

  • Player Display

Now when you select a character you can change it and see how it is the character itself before starting!



Next up

The Game Is Looking Good So Far!!!

I never thought that this would be my most famous post 💀

le best strategy ever

The player is almost done, i just need to make him appear when you start playing and disappear when the match is over

I know i said i won't post anymore, but i just wanted to thank you all for following me and helping to get this amazing achievement! ¡Thank you all!

the opposite day

0.1.2 Teaser #2