Glitched Void
9 months ago

Guess what

Yeah so it's been a while..

To sum it up, I lost motivation to work on the game like 2 years ago but now I am back at it, but this time with a NEW ENGINE


Well, sorta. But better than nothing!

The game will be moving engines, transitioning from RPG Maker VX Ace to Godot 4. This change was sorta necessary as Godot genuinely gives me SO much more freedom with stuff that VX Ace (tho to be fair, it IS an RPG engine, not meant for this stuff).

So far, *most* stuff has been ported, along with some new stuff (like seen in the video) and a couple of changes, primarily to enemy behaviour. 2 enemies are still being worked on, as well as an art overhaul and many other things.

I don't want to guarantee that the game will be done, but I will try my hardest to deliver and make this little project the best and the most fun it can be!

Until next time!!

- Davidus



Next up

Finally, after being planned for a while now, Charge Shot has been added!

It becomes available after reaching 2000-2500 Score, and is extremely effective against normal enemies!

Check out the devlog page here:



Really excited on working on this mechanic!

Part of the Explore phase, Sanity meter will definitely make your life harder. Make sure it's up, or else..

#screenshotsaturday #arcade #sanity #exploration #meter #payattention

January 2022 (+December 2021) -Development Report

Progress Report - December 2020

"Charge shots only stop him for a short while."

Trying out the new title screen for the game. Options will be overhauled, and extras have yet to be made, so they arent functional atm. Also new epic animation for new game transition.

#retro #arcade #newtitle #titlescreen

I kinda wonder would encyclopedia be useful in the game? Or just be a niche thing to have?

Maybe even reveal a lore detail or two, who knows?

#retro #encyclopedia #characterinfo #uselesshashtagbecauseyes

That one girl in my class when no coffee.

Anyways, think I'll start posting some of my art here every now and then.

1/4_01, "Rotten Soul"